What is Cookie Logging? How to Prevent this Threat?

Written By Sambita Panigrahy  
Anuraag Singh
Approved By Anuraag Singh 
Published On September 5th, 2024
Reading Time 10 Minutes Reading

Cookies are those small files that are stored on your browser by the website you visit whether using computer or mobile devices. They are used to track your browsing behavior, store preferences, and personalize your experience. There are three main types of cookies: session cookies, persistent cookies, and third-party cookies. Cookie logging captures sensitive session information. So without wasting more time let’s understand the big picture now and learn what are the strategies to protect your cookies from cookies logging.

What is Cookie Logging?

It is the kind of malicious practice where cybercriminals capture and store sensitive information from user’s web browsers. This information can include login credentials, credit card details, browsing history, and other personal data. It’s important to preserve sensitive information. Secure your cookie handling from the biggest data breach and protect your personal as well as organizational data.

What is Key Logging

The use of cookies can be done for both legal and illegal reasons. Yet, because cookies may hold important information, cookie recording also puts users’ security at risk. To obtain personally identifiable information (PII) and expose web users to fraud, identity theft, and other security breaches, malicious actors may employ cookie logging.

The logging of cookies can be used for many good reasons. However, when customers put malicious software onto their devices, it results in fraudulent use cases for cookie logging. Without explicit consent, this malicious program installs external cookie loggers, which convey information to unidentified suppliers. The data, including PII, is used by these suppliers for fraud and identity theft.

Ever felt like someone was watching over your shoulder as you surf the web?

Well, in this digital world, that someone might be a cybercriminal engaged in cookie logging.

Just imagine there are tiny little spies slightly tracking you on your online activities. It will remember your preferences like anything, login details, credit card details shopping habits, etc.  This information contained by cookies can become a dangerous weapon when it comes into the hands of malicious actors.

So, without further ado, let’s go deeper into the topic and discuss cookie logging including its legality and any associated security threats. We’ll go through some security best practices as well as ways to reduce your susceptibility to it. Last but not least, we’ll talk about the future of cookies, specifically Google’s plan to phase them out, what that means for the web and what is the importance of Cyber Security in Business or personal use.

What are the Different Types of Cookies

There are three ways to classify the cookies based on their duration, endure and provenance


  • Session Cookies- These are those cookies that are temporary and will expire once the user closes the web browser.
  • Persistent cookies- These are those cookies that remain on your hard drive even when you erase them from your browser etc. It depends on the cookie expiration date. Every cookie has one expiry date which is written on their code but the duration can vary from cookie to cookie.


  • First-party cookies- As the name itself states. The website generates first-party cookies whenever you visit it.
  • Third-party cookies- The majority of third-party cookies are ad trackers that other websites create and use to collect information about your preferences and online activities. This information helps advertisers decide when and how to present you with pertinent material.


  • Strictly necessary cookies- These cookies are essential to browsing the website and using its features such as accessing the secure areas of any site.
  • Preferences cookies- These are also called “Functionality cookies”. It remembers your preferences, such as your preferred language, region for weather reports, and username and password, allowing you to automatically log in
  • Statistics cookies- the other name of this cookie is “Performance cookies”. These are the cookies that collect information about how you use a website page that you have recently visited or clicked on. None of this information can be used to identify you.
  • Marketing cookies- These are the cookies that generally keep track of your online activities. This will help advertisers deliver more relevant advertising or limit how many times you see an ad. This can further be used as an adware threat for the users.

Many programs forbid the use of cookie logging in their terms of service due to the detrimental effects of cookie logging. Many nations prohibit cookie logging because they consider it a type of cross-site scripting.

Users’ data integrity is protected by laws like the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The European Union (EU), where the GDPR is in effect, has the authority to bring legal action against any businesses that provide services to EU people in violation of the law.

Is There a Security Risk with Cookies?

There is a security risk for users of cookies in the browser revealing sensitive user information (such as PII), which could lead to the transmission of data to hostile actors. Cookie loggers can be placed secretly, so you might not even realize you’ve been exposed. Remember, only you store cookies on your device. If your browser is compromised, that’s the only way you’re exposed.

A case of cookie logging in use is the .ROBLOSECURITY cookie. It serves as a token for the Roblox program and gives users access to the following data:

  • Game information (for example, name or id)
  • Adapting an avatar
  • Compiling friend lists
  • Game playing

Roblox emphasizes the significance of keeping this token private. By doing this, the hacker gains access to the victim’s Roblox account. Also, other accounts that utilize the same credentials would be exposed to the user. By being aware of the risks, you can take action to reduce exposure.

How Cookie Logging Works?

What does cookie logging do, it simply captures HTTP cookies between a web server and the user’s browser. This can also be achieved through various methods like JavaScript injection, and malicious code injection into the site to steal the cookies.

Cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks exploit vulnerabilities in websites to execute malicious code on the user’s browser. Phishing attacks trick users into clicking on malicious links or downloading infected files.

Is It Possible to Limit The Exposure to Cookie Logging?

Cookie logging can have very negative effects. You can reduce your exposure to undesired cookie logging by using the following procedures:

  • Download files only from reliable sources. Cookie loggers may be disguised in the files you are installing from unreliable sites.
  • Nothing from your web browser’s developer console should be copied or sent. The private data in your cookies is stored in the developer console.
  • Keep your cookies clean. By frequently clearing your cookies and cyber security testing, you can make sure that they are refreshed and removed from the system. This makes it more difficult for cookie loggers who rely on outdated data.
  • Cookies should only be shared by websites you trust. When websites ask you to share cookies, only trust the trustworthy ones.
  • For privacy, use a VPN. Your browser’s ability to save geolocation data may be restricted by using a VPN.
  • Every browser will have security options to control the cookies that are kept on your computer.
  • Use secure password guidelines. If you believe you have been discovered, change your passwords. Regularly change your passwords and use strong password combinations.
  • Elevate your cybersecurity with advanced SysTools Managed Cyber Security Services. These services will protect the security risks and vulnerabilities from various operations. Many organizations prefer SIEM and Security Operation Center (SOCs) for security purposes.

What Does Cookies’ Future Hold?

Cookies have long been a component of the web experience, but due to many privacy considerations, they have come under scrutiny. Google intends to phase away cookies by H2 2024 as part of its initiative to address these concerns.

Several sectors may be impacted if cookies disappear. The industries most at risk are those that depend on user tracking (such as marketing or advertising) and any tech firms that employ tracking to enhance the usability of their applications. Yet, a substitute tracking feature (with comparable characteristics) will take the place of cookies, prompting businesses to develop fresh methods of tracking user experiences. With the introduction of this new function, Google and other major influencers may gain more sway.

There will always be malevolent actors who use new technologies for improper ends, despite the greatest efforts to protect privacy. Understanding security concepts and reducing exposure to undesired tracking events will be made possible by education.

In The End

Cookies on a browser can be collected by software and sent to a server for authentication using cookie logging. The tool can be used maliciously even while it has useful applications, which makes biscuit logging a security risk. By using only reputable websites and routinely clearing your cookies, you can reduce your exposure to biscuit logging. The user is responsible for maintaining security attack awareness.

Despite the possible downside of biscuit logging, reputable providers have employed it to simplify the web experience for users. Although cookies are being phased out, their tracking functionality will always be available.

Note: For any cybersecurity-related queries feel free to contact our expert team.


Q. Where are cookies being logged?

Generally, web developers and testers use this tool to automate tasks on a website, analyze user sessions, and troubleshoot login issues. However, with time, hackers also use this mechanism to fulfill their malicious needs.

Q. What is the difference between a cookie and a tracking cookie?

The websites you visit store general text files on your device. Cookies remember your preferences, login details, and other information. On the other hand tracking cookies tracks your website behavior across different websites.

Q. How can I check if cookie logging has affected my computer?

If you want to check whether your system is affected by cookie logging or not simply follow the below points:

  • Monitor your online accounts- look for suspicious transactions or password reset
  • Check your browser history- If you notice unusual or unfamiliar websites, it could be a sign of a compromise.
  • Use reputable antivirus and anti-malware software- These tools can scan your system for malware associated with cookie logging.

Q. What is the best way to clear cookies from my browser?

  1. Go to your browser settings
  2. Locate the privacy or security settings.
  3. Find the option to clear browsing data.
  4. Select the “Cookies and other site data” option.
  5. Choose the period you want to clear data for.

Q. Is it safe to use public Wi-Fi networks to prevent cookie logging?

You can avoid utilizing them for critical tasks such as online banking or purchasing. However, if you need to connect to public Wi-Fi, think about enabling a VPN to secure your data.

Q. What is the role of HTTPS in preventing cookie logging?

This makes it more difficult for hackers to intercept and steal your data, including cookies. Look for the “https://” prefix in the website address to ensure a secure connection.