Phishing Simulation Awareness Training to Protect from Phishing Attacks

Written By Sambita Panigrahy  
Anuraag Singh
Approved By Anuraag Singh 
Published On September 13th, 2023
Reading Time 4 Minutes Reading

It’s nothing wrong to say that today’s digital environment is increasingly becoming cybercrime-prone or we can say phish-prone. That’s why establishing or deploying strong phishing simulation training is mandatory. 

Being a security expert or cyber security personnel, you may easily spot a phishing email. But, normal employees couldn’t notice the difference between normal and phishing mail. And, attackers consider them the weakest component of the company’s security ecosystem. As a result, they exploit every single chance they get.

That’s when the role of phishing attack simulation training emerges. 

What is Phishing Simulation Training?

Phishing simulation awareness training or Anti-phishing training is a structural approach used to educate employees of an organization about ongoing phishing attempts. In the training, the security experts will create a real-time phishing attack environment to identify phish-prone employees. 

The main agenda of the phishing awareness training is to teach employees:

  • What is phishing in cybersecurity
  • How does a phishing attack work
  • How to spot a phishing email 
  • How one can avoid being a victim of the attack

phishing simulation training

What is the Significance of Phishing Simulation Awareness Training?

Today the rate of phishing/social engineering campaigns is increasing rapidly and in fact, it has become the number one attack vector among others. For example, studies reveal that around 90,000 phishing campaigns are launched every month! Thus, it has become a global concern since it can not be prevented in technical terms. 

That’s where phishing awareness training comes in. Education could be one of our best defenses against phishing. It’ll add an additional layer of defense against all variants of social engineering attacks. And, phishing simulation training plays an important role in reducing the risk of successful phishing attacks. In return, businesses can reduce the significant cost of data breaches.

Different Forms of Phishing Simulation Training

Based on different cyberattack /phishing attack strategies, different types of training programs are designed. Here are some of the common phishing awareness trainings.

1. Email Phishing Simulation 

In this type of simulation training, a believable phishing email will be sent to employees to test how many of them fall for it. Mostly, the IT admin of an organization takes the help of professional phishing simulation software to execute high-quality phishing tests.

2. Social Engineering Simulation – 

Most criminals also target employees who are sitting in important positions in the company such as CEOs and VPs. Through different manipulative techniques, they successfully carry out business email compromise. That’s why this type of phishing simulation training is designed to test the security awareness of the users. 

3. Online Phishing Simulation –

 This type of simulation training involves imitating phishing attacks via online mediums such as social media platforms. They would pretend like family or friends of the user and send phishing messages to them. They’ll test who is falling for the trap and exposing sensitive information.

What are Some Ways to Improve the Effectiveness of the Simulation Training?

The effectiveness of the simulation training depends on three factors.

  1.  The type of training provided
  2. Frequency of the training
  3. How well the training is executed

Further, the impact of the training depends on the quality of training resources, how easy is the simulation platform to use, regular assessments, involvement of senior management, and follow-up training. Also, positive reinforcement is important. Always make sure to reward employees who excel in identifying and reporting threats.

In today’s advanced digital age, cybercriminals are also becoming advanced. Hence, phishing simulation training should be designed in such a way that can prepare the users to become the first line of defense against phishing attacks. 

Consult Experts Now for Phishing Attack Simulation Training

You never know when the attackers are planning for the next phishing attack and who it might be. Hence start planning your phishing simulation and prepare your employees today. For more details, you can contact our experts who are there to guide you.


Q- How does phishing simulation training work?

It involves sending fake phishing emails or messages to employees to see how they respond. This can include clicking on links, downloading attachments, or providing sensitive information.

Q- How often one should conduct phishing awareness training?

It’s recommended to conduct training regularly, ideally multiple times a year. Frequent training helps reinforce awareness and keeps employees vigilant.

Q- What happens if an employee falls for a simulated phishing attack?

Employees who fall for a simulated attack should receive immediate feedback and guidance on how to avoid similar mistakes in the future. It’s an opportunity for learning, not punishment.

Q- Should organizations customize the simulation training?

To ensure the utmost relevance and effectiveness of training, it is crucial to tailor it to the specific departments or roles within the organization.